Title: Gudetama: Mindfulness for the Lazy
Author: Wook-Jin Clark
Page Count: 48
Published: 6th April 2021
Genre: Non-fiction, Comics
I got this as a preview copy from the nice people at Netgalley . I will always be honest about a book no matter if I paid for it or not. There are also affiliate links in here, too 💜
Yes I know I rarely touch non-fiction books, but rarely do non-fiction books come with Gudetama’s butt slapped on them. AND even more rarely do they pop up covering mindfulness during what can only be described as a fart-stick doozy of a year.
Here’s a handy checklist of why you might be interested in it:
☐ Dislike long, dull books telling you how to be nice to people and be kind to yourself
☐ Somewhat lazy when it comes to putting yourself first
☐ Like Gudetama
☐ Currently living/surviving through 2021
☐ Fan of graphic novels/comics
☐ Have a small person nearby that you’d like to introduce the idea of mindfulness to
Now let’s get one thing straight – this is a comic for ALL ages. It’s definitely written in a way which can be easily understood by those young little scamps, but I know a lot of so-called adults who could benefit from a wee book all about how not to be a dick.
SO if you have a spare 20 mins or want to introduce the idea of mindfulness to kids in a way that won’t absolutely bamboozle them whilst looking at the adorable Gudetama character, then get this on your shelf.
Given the way 2021 is already shaping up, I will be going back to it from time to time to remind myself to breathe.
Gudetama: Mindfulness for the Lazy will hit those beautiful shelves on 6th April 2021.